Conclusion to the Vote on the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims (CASE) Act
On Tuesday, October 22, 2019, the United States House of Representatives voted on the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims (CASE) Act. The Act was approved by the House with a 410-6 vote. As we previously reported, the CASE Act, among other things, creates a copyright small-claims court within the Copyright Office, providing an alternative to litigating in the federal courts.
Supporters of the CASE Act argue that it provides middle class artists with a feasible way to enforce their copyrights. Advocates claim it is foreseeable that with greater ability to enforce their copyrights, artists will more freely publish their content online.

Critics of the CASE Act assert the Act will empower copyright trolls and expose the average internet user to potentially thousands in damages for activities that are widely embraced in online and social media interactions. These skeptics also claim the Act may run the risk of chilling online speech.
The Senate is expected to vote on the CASE Act in the coming weeks.