Textbook Company Claims No-Foul Play Skip to main content
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Textbook Company Claims No-Foul Play

Textbook Distributor Hits Back Against Publishers' Infringement Claims

We previously reported on a lawsuit filed by Pearson Education, et al. (“Pearson”) alleging that textbook retailer, Bookholders, LLC (“Bookholders”), infringed Pearson's rights by selling and distributing counterfeit textbooks.

Pixabay. Pexels

On June 3, 2021, Bookholders filed its Answer. In its response, Bookholders asserts numerous defenses, including that it did “not infringe[] any applicable trademarks or copyrights under federal or state law.” Bookholders also argues that its alleged actions “were taken in good faith and were based on legitimate business reasons such that Plaintiffs are not entitled to recovery.” In addition, the defendant purports that the plaintiffs' “claims are barred, in whole or in part, by the first sale doctrine.”

We will continue to provide updates as they become available.