Jim Olive Photography d/b/a Photolive, Inc. vs. The Univ. of Houston Sys., 2017-84942 (Court 295, Harris Cnty., Dec. 22, 2017).
On December 22, 2017, Jim Olive filed a complaint in Texas state district court against the University of Houston (“UH”). Olive alleges that UH’s unauthorized use of his photograph amounts to an “unconstitutional and illegal” taking under the Texas Constitution (Article 1, Section 17). Individuals and businesses normally sue under the takings provision when the government takes their private property for public projects such as roads or government buildings.
Olive, a Houston photographer, specializes in taking photos of city skylines by climbing into helicopters and sitting strapped in a harness dangling hundreds of feet above the ground. Opportunities for this experience do not come cheap, and Olive must rent the helicopter for up to $2,500 an hour. Olive hired a copyright infringement scanner called Image Rights to notify him of any unauthorized use of his photographs. Image Rights flagged UH’s use of one of Olive’s photographs of the Houston skyline. Olive alleges that not only had UH been using the photo without permission, but it had also stripped off his watermark. According to the student-run UH publication The Cougar
According to the Houston Chronicle
Olive is not the first one to try suing under a “takings” claim instead of pursuing a traditional copyright infringement claim. According to the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express-News
According to the complaint, Olive is seeking between $100,000 and $200,000 for the alleged “taking” as well as attorney’s fees. On January 26, 2018, UH responded to the complaint and continued to claim sovereign immunity for its defense.