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Healthcare Chaplain Postpones Legal Action He Initiated Last Year

Last year, on August 16, 2021, we reported on the Braan v. University of Maryland Medical System Corporation case in a post that can be found here. In this case, healthcare chaplain Barry D. Braan Sr. ("Braan") filed a Complaint against the University of Maryland Medical System Corporation; Susan Vogel; Anne Weekley; and Joan Crittenden (collectively "Maryland"). Braan claimed that Maryland used a chaplain program he made without his consent.

Photo by mspark0 on Pixabay

Since our initial reporting, there has been surprisingly little progress in the case, not because of any action on the part of Maryland, but because Braan has postponed any movement in the case. On December 3, 2021, the Court issued an Order for Braan to provide proof that he had served Maryland with the Complaint so that the case could continue. However, Braan's Response indicated that he would prefer to delay the legal dealings because he had been communicating with Maryland about the copyright infringement.

Nine months later, on September 9, 2022, the Court issued another Order for Braan to continue the court case. However, again, Braan's Response was a request for more time since he is still having discussions with Maryland.

The court granted the extension, and so the case is still crawling forward until action is taken in court or Braan and Maryland are able to settle the matter on their own. We will continue with updates when there are more details available.