All members of the BYU community—faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and patrons—are expected to respect the rights of copyright owners. Although BYU does not endorse any particular sources of copyrighted content, the following resources may be helpful to members of the BYU community who are seeking legitimate sources of online content. In many cases, such content is available at no cost under a creative commons license or in the public domain and free to use for any purpose without paying royalties.
How to Find Free Photos Using Google Images
Follow us onInstagram orFacebookto see our weekly features of a new, FREE, high quality image site every Friday.
Millions of high-quality stock photos to download and use for free by logging in with your BYU NetID. All that is required is proper attribution when using these images. Great resource because Adobe Stock images are licensed for perpetual use.
The HBLL has purchased subscriptions for the use of hundreds of thousands of images in various galleries in classrooms and for scholarly purposes. To see the specific terms for each database, click here.