Learning Pathways Skip to main content

Learning Pathways

Tailored, role-based training

These training pathways correspond with the five employee copyright categories in the Copyright Certification Program.

You can see which lessons are included in which Learning Pathways below. All lessons are completed through BYU's Learning Management System. As you can see, some video lessons apply to all five employee categories, while others are category-specific.

If you feel that you fit into more than one Employee Category, please use the Roles Selector Tool to be guided to the correct course on the training LMS.

Lesson Titles and Employee RolesAdministrative GatekeepersMedia SpecialistsLicensing SpecialistsFaculty and Instructional DesignersLibrarians, Archivists, and Curators
Basics Introductionxxxxx
Sharing Introductionxxxxx
Exemptions Introductionxxxxx
Fair Use Introductionxxxxx
Licensing Introductionxxxxx
Public Domainxx
Social Media Publishingx 
Creative Commonsxx 
Open Educational Resourcesxxx
Church Owned Contentx 
Social Media Permissionsx 
Classroom Exemptionx 
Nonprofit Performancesx 
Library Exemptionsx 
Music Licensing x 
108 Eligibility/Overview x
Private Study Copies x
Preservation Copies x
ILL Copies x
Last Twenty Copies    x