Licensing Specialists Skip to main content

Licensing Specialists

Empower your licensing workflow and improve strategic content decisions

The CCP: Who are Licensing Specialists?

Licensing specialists are employees who routinely license copyrighted material or administer licenses on behalf of their college, division, or department. The occasional purchase of a software license or media licenses of stock images, video, or music included in a larger project does not qualify an employee for this category. These employees should be routinely engaged in licensing activities (e.g., seeking permissions, negotiating terms, reviewing agreements, etc.), likely on behalf of projects for which they don’t do substantive work.

To help understand the difference between an employee who occasionally has to license something and a licensing specialist, here are some comparative examples:

  • Not a licensing specialist – A creative manager who purchases a license to use specialized software for his department to complete a video project. 
  • Not a licensing specialist – An instructional designer who purchases a license to use a stock photo to include in an online lesson plan. 
  • Licensing specialist – An office employee charged with securing licenses for educational material on behalf of a department or faculty. 
  • Licensing specialist – An art director responsible for obtaining permission for use of copyrighted images in a university publication. 

This training will walk you through the Decision Trail questions to help you make informed copyright decisions.

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